Learning the Word of God, Learning to Pray, Learning to Surrender all...to Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15:31 Paul said "I die daily', meaning we are always learning, submitting, becoming less so Jesus can become more in our lives to bring glory to the Father by His Holy Spirit.
Living Hope if focused on Bible Based teaching with the solid Word of God in every message.
More of you and less of me.
(You must increase, but I must decrease.) John 3:30
Living Hope is focused on equipping the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ per Ephesians 4:12. To do this, each week, we focus on prayer & preaching the Word of God to all of the LivingHope.com Community. Whether you are able to attend live at our church or you have 1/2 way around the world on participate online, Living Hope is committed to building up the body of Christ & giving back to the poor, orphan and widows.
Below are some of our recent messages to equip you for the work Christ has for you.
Living Hope Church